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Wat is boomchirurgie?
Er lijkt nogal wat verwarring te bestaan over het begrip "Boomchirurgie".
Boomchirurgie heeft per definitie betrekking op een zieke of beschadigde boom.
Ziekte kan veroorzaakt worden door virussen, bacteriën, schimmels en insecten.
Beschadiging heeft vaak de volgende oorzaken:
- spontaan afgebroken takken
- takken afgebroken door storm
- takken afgezaagd door de mens
- beschadigde bast bijv door voertuig (grasmachine!)
Dikwijls is de mens (eigenaar, hovenier!) door het afzagen van takken en het niet
goed behandelen van de zaagsnede
de oorzaak van inrotting en verzwakking van de boom.
Voor de duidelijkheid: het afzagen van (grote) takken, het hermodelleren
van de kruin, etc. is géén boomchrirurgie.
Dat is gewoon snoeien!
- Tree surgery: operative treatment of diseased trees especially for control of
- Treatment of diseased or damaged trees by filling cavities and pruning
and bracing branches.
- Practice of repairing damaged trees to restore their appearance and to
arrest disease. Injured or diseased parts are first removed (even small
cavities in the bark may harbor injurious fungi and insects), the
surfaces are treated with antiseptics and healing aids, and the cavity
may be filled with cement or some special material, e.g., composition
filler or elastic cement. Professional tree surgeons commonly perform
many tasks in addition to surgery that are difficult for the individual
gardener e.g., large-scale pruning and providing proper support when
What is Tree Surgery?
By definition, Tree Surgery is "the treatment of
damaged or decaying trees"
It is no accident that a Tree Surgeon be known as such for as is the
case in humans, if we need treatment, we see a surgeon. If a tree is in
need of treatment, it is seen by a Tree Surgeon. That is, a person best
qualified to diagnose and treat its condition.
Remedy or removal depends upon the nature of the affliction. The
results need not differ.
An insect infestation can be treated with chemicals and a problem
solved in this way will ensure the continued growth and development of
the tree.
Dead wood in the branch of a tree can be removed and a problem solved
in this way will ensure the continued growth and development of the
If a tree has become damaged through animal or insect activity, high
winds, fire or flood or if a tree is suffering the effects of rot, it
may be that the tree, or certain parts of it, now represent a hazard
either to passers by or property.
In this instance a Tree Surgeon will be called upon to "make safe" the
tree. This "making safe" process can range in detail from the simple
removal of a dead or dying limb (dead wooding) to the complete removal
of a tree (felling). Though this should only be done in the most severe
of cases and where no other form of treatment will serve to rectify the
Other aspects of a Tree Surgeons work are Crown Reduction, Crown
Raising and Crown Lowering. Whilst predominantly carried out upon
request for cosmetic reasons, these treatments are in many cases hugely
beneficial to the tree and will serve to enhance longevity.
How is it done?
In a word.. Carefully.!!!
The utmost care must be taken in all aspects of tree surgery for a
number reasons;
Firstly, there is the safety of the tree surgeon to consider. He is
working, often at heights with a high powered cutting device.
Then there is the well being of the tree to think about. Cut too much
off or eat into live wood and the tree will bleed, leading to further
infection. Cut too little, deadwood or infestation remains and will
spread to affect more of the tree.
.but care must be taken in other areas too.If you remove a tree
(particularly an established one) from an area, you are actually making
a huge difference to the localised eco-structure.
Plant and animal life in the area will be affected, these effects must
be considered and minimised.