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Bingokasten: Night Club

1 april 2012

de Night Club

Uit de IPDB:


Night Club / IPD No. 1676 / February 13, 1956 / 1 Player

Manufacturer:                         Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983) [Trade Name: Bally]

Model Number:                         577

Type:                                         Electro-mechanical (EM) 

Specialty:                                 Bingo Machine 

Notable Features:                   Magic Squares, Double/Triple/Quad scores

Design by:                                Don Hooker





Bally : Night Club 

Game Parameters:

Game Type                        magic squares

Game Number                        577

Manufacture Date                  1956

Number of Holes                     25

Number of Odds Steps            8

Max Payout                            768

Max Extra Balls                        3



Night Club

The follow-on game to Broadway, Night Club added a quadruple score multiplier and further delayed the time at which the numbers could be rotated until after the 5th ball was shot. This was very helpful, as you could shoot all five balls then rotate the numbers to give you the highest score.

The yellow and red colored lines did not score separately, if you had a win in the red and yellow lines, you get paid the higher of the two.

magic squares games

Some of the numbers on the bingo card are are mounted on wheels (behind the backglass), and pushing buttons on the foot rail allows you to rotate the wheels to rearrange the numbers into paying combinations.


The wheels have 4 numbers mounted on each. Here is the standard layout for

magic square A. The first table shows the "home" position of the numbers, and the second table shows the numbers rotated one position: 














The 4-number squares were initially used in the corners of the card, so people also called the feature "turning corners".




Helaas is de kopruit van de Night Club niet erg goed.

Maar goed genoeg om in de Boeklon te zetten.

En goed genoeg om als kopruit te dienen.

Ik heb de Night Club aangesloten, maar hij wil niets doen.

Mogelijk de zekeringen. Mogelijk één van de honderden contacten die er in zitten....




Ik heb zelf nog geen foto's dus maar eerst even wat geleende foto's.






Picture above from:



Hieronder wat foto's van het inwendige van mijn kast. 

De techniek! Pure elektromechanica.

Wie dacht dat een EM flipperkast ingewikkeld is moet hier eens naar komen kijken!!


Trouwens, dit is dus van vóór het tijdperk van de EM flipperkasten.

Eigenlijk is daarin slechts een deel van de technieken toegepast!